Saturday, March 7, 2009
update update
hmmm. nth much to post eh.
always out these few days, and im too lazy to post anything by the time im home.
shall post abt two says ago. .
went vivo with mj.
and he wanted mi to blog abt this.
cuz he treat mi to this dinner in kim gary.
he took pics and ask mi to post it.
this is the heaviest soup in the world.
it weighs ONE TON
and its called the 'wanton soup'
the red pepper fries which the person say tat its the most spicy
end up. . . nt at all
lol.. im an idiot in toys' r' us

no more no more.
pics at topone will be up soon too. quan ar quan ar. fast fast k.
[2:53 PM]