Tuesday, October 20, 2009
3rd week in the new class now
and im still rather uncomfortable in there.
maybe used to be in those 80% guys class?
and since saturday
this f-ing ulcer have decided to make my mouth its temporary home
at the back part of the mouth, giving me a hard time eating
so now i can enjoy my favourite CHILLI!!!
someone come and invite it to your side please. ty mak mak.
feeling like there so so so many things to be done these few days.
but i cant figure out what are they
only thing that i can think of is my PP report that has been rejected for rework
dateline is ging to be due soon, like 2 more days
and still haven really went to see whats wrong with it.
anyone can help me do? ty mak mak too! =))
sch tml! hope i can reach punctually.
gan bpai non.
goodnight! =)
[11:41 PM]