Sunday, January 31, 2010
went shopping in the afternoon with dad wanting to buy all my clothes for new year at one go including shoes and everything
in the end, i only bought my targeted 519 premium
but it was good enough,
cuz i didn't manage get the last year's piece in time, and i have to choose another one instead.
tml will the the
scond round. gonna go town to shop
shoes, shirts, bottoms and maybe a bag =))
fuckin boring staying at home on a nice
saturday night
son't feel like a weekend at all __
no one to drink with, except with dad at the
coffeeshop and
wj came to join us
its over 2 weeks since i stepped into
bq(and that's when the last drop of liquor i
swallowedim so going there
nxt week with dad and bro when he booked out
hmmm, i seriously feel that i shouldn't miss her at all, but i still do
sial. HOW!?
nt much left to say, SO. . goodnight! but its bad for me.
[2:43 AM]
Friday, January 29, 2010
another friday cooping up at home.
i guess our live is getting healthier and healthier?
at least with the big drop of alchohol level in out body. hahaha
how cool man. its more than 2 weeks since my last drop of liquor. even i cant believe it sial!
but beer still flows down my throat. which makes my tummy grow at an amazing speed. WOOOOOW!!!
i think im gonna bear with no liquor for the time being. hmmm. two more weeks? i guess
cuz wq's going on a long sailing to milan. say nice is like that say, but nt nice is india. LOL
and also wj finally found himself a job in coca-cola company. grats to him.
and since its coca-cola company and CNY is nearing alr, so he have to work everyday until 12 of feb same as the da wq come back. so i think we will only meet up during cny.
too bored, im gonna stop here alr.
and smth random, got bored after eating nasi lemak on wed and played with the cucumber and the bones. LOL.

[10:14 PM]
Sunday, January 24, 2010
3.30am now, and im already at home. FUCK!
the night is still young man, damnnnn~
have to send dad home cuz he drank a lil too much
but he's drunk even before the official drinking session starts
i freaking dunno whay, i thought he's always the one looking out for us, but tonight is a different case
he told us to look after him when we were at the pub
and but im the one looking after him
as bro went of with his frens and left me alone to send dad home
so nice of him, he can get destressed when im getting depressed
sadded =((
cant be able to enjoy the night
i felt like sneaking out to bq for a drink on my own, but in the other hand feeling very bad to do tha
so i went home and now im stuck infront of this fucking screen, typing out my sadness alphabets by alphabets.
though im thinking that there's no one reading it, i still wanna post it up
cuz i feel that this is the only place i can tell all or at least most of my problems easily without having the need to find some kind ears to listen to them
i wanna drink! DRINK!! DRINK!!! glass after glass after glass
there's no way to say no to alcohol
thats where i find my happiness and life
especially when getting high on alcohol and then have the bass booming into my ears
thats my heaven
alright, enough of talking to myself
[3:29 AM]
Thursday, January 21, 2010
im the first who got called up and then followed by them
now there's 5 of us who got called up to meet the dm's
i feel like i got them into this shit which was actually started by me
im quite guilty, but they seems to be happy that they got called up too. like -.-"
but until now, im the only one who got my statement taken, which was two days ago, on tuesday
tml they will be doing the same thing? i guess so.
but im thinking, surely the sch will be calling up few more, cuz there were more than 5 admins including me
but it will be better if they dont, less people getting into this problem is better, rather than the whole group die tgt
good luck to those who will be meeting the dm's tml
and im still finding the freaking solution to close down the stupid group without any admins inside. and some members dont want to leave it or i sld say more than 90% of them dont. and this is where my headache comes from. te worst part is, there's still ppl joining the group, which is seriously F-U-C-K-E-D-U-P.
i posted there to ask members to leave the group, yet some bodohs are still clicking on the join group.
let's wait for the judgement day!!
cuz of those problem, i cant really get the time to do those mix that i wanted to do intially
found the inspiration, found the tempo, the beats but there's no time
by the time i reach home, im damn tired alr
imagine i can even try to get some sleep while im walking. hahaha
so i think tml will be the best day to do this
if not i think i will have to wait for one more week to do it
im gonna name it 'Let The Bass Warp'
it seems like dotdot is now having a dream right now. LOL
rolling about and air walking with all four legs facing up. damn funny la
[12:19 AM]
Wednesday, January 20, 2010
i fucking landed myself in deep deep shit this time, real deep
got into trouble with the school.
it was all because of a facebook group what was created less than a week ago
which i thought and it is also supposed to be
just like what it says in the group category itself
sch management found out about it, called me up ytd and asked me to meet up with the DM
so i went to met him today when i reach sch.
and they wanted me to close the group down and then wait for the dicipline hearing or smth which will be held next tuesday and i MUST be there
cuz they will be taking actions against me for doing this
and got to know just today that it is a misconduct and hmmm, he told me i might get expelled for it.
and i thought. yea, they expel me for such things!? sounds ridiculous. but after what i heard, i think its quite reasonable for them to do so. what he said was i am now ruining the reputation of the sch and it was stated in the school's code of conduct for student's. meaning i have broken a sch rule that might be quite serious? i guess they can even sue me for that, cuz was told that i can be charged as defamation. quite true also. but chinese got a saying that goes 不知者无罪.
so im thinking that they might close one eye or maybe three-quarter of them and then just give me a stern warning. and thats what i really hope will be the outcome of the hearing next week.
and i felt that im so stupid or maybe in other words geh kiang
i went to remove those admins and then leave the group having the thought that the group will close down once there are no admins, and i saw that on the facebook pop up too when i clicked on the leave group thing.
but NO! the group remains active without any admins
and the worst thing is that we cant find any way to contact the facebook admins
they got no links for us to email them about problems, just some freaking FAQs which i think was'nt being updated. they state that if a group has no current admins, any user will be able to make themselves admin, now there no such feature.
another which says that admins what left the group can rejoin the group and stay admin in the group once they joined back, this feature is also nt there
so we have to freaking wait for all the eight hundred plus members to leave the group so that the group wil close down automatically. and ya, that the only way. so i tried pm-ing the members one by one telling them to leave the group asap cuz we dont have the admin rights to mass pm ppl. and what happen was, fb banned me from sending messages cuz i sent too much within a short period of time. DAMN. now i have go go through frens for the 'advetisement' asking ppl to leave the group ASAP.
im stressed, seriously stressed out
results, money, girls and now this freaking thing came out.
2010 isnt a good year maybe for me only? or just that im to pessimistic?
cuz its only half of january gone, there's still a long way to reach 2011.
just hoping that the coming chinese new year will get my bad luck washed away into the deep deep ocean floor and then get decomposed and being broken down into micro micro micro particles. =D and in the mean time, swapped it with a much much much better luck.
alright, i have poured quite an amount stressed in here alr
time for my dream =D
goodnight ppl
[12:40 AM]
Thursday, January 14, 2010
yea people! finally i got the feel to switch on my freaking desktop and start my mix
but just the feeling is'nt enough to come up with a nice song
i need my INSPIRATION!!
my mind is blank currently, no songs hitting me even after banging to all my r&bs, trance, house, electro and those past mixes. ahhhhhhh. INSPIRATION COME TO ME PLEASE!!!!
and one more thing, the NIFM group has been created. BY MEEEE! =D
and im soo proud abt it sial, not because i created the group, but cause of the dp for the group

so nice right!? hahaha thats what i think la.
ALRIGHT, im going to search for my inspiration now. =D
[3:23 PM]
Monday, January 11, 2010
missed sch agn
i really dunno y, no matter how early i go to bed, i still cant wake up early for sch
even if i go to bed as early as 10
in the morning, i will still feel sleepy as if i slept at 5am
further more, there is no motivation to go sch AT ALL!
nv find sch this boring before
sian sian sian
i thought nt going to sch means i can sleep longer, sleep into the aftnoon, sleep until evening
but NO! all because of dotdot
i dont know whats so scary abt the living room during 10am in the morning
everyday without fail, 9.50am - 10am he will start his barking
waking people up from their sleep, pulling people out of their beautiful dream
wanting us to go out and accompany him
and this is seriously very irritating lo
come stay over for a night and you will get it in the next morning. hahaha!
my body is not really in a good condition these days
firstly the cough that has been going on for near 2 mths and its still going on and on
then followed by lots and lots of problems like fever, headache, stomachaches and then the most recent and also something that has long disappear from my daily life, nose bleed
few days ago, i even had my right ear deaf for a few minutes which is very scary
for that few minutes i thought its going to stay like this forever
but luckily i start hearing sounds after awhile, but the pain in the ear every now and then
im thinking . . sld i start counting my days or what?
ahhh, i dont know. hope not.
[12:27 PM]